

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana): Steps, Variations & Advantages

SanskritArdha Chandrasana (ARDH-uh CHUN-drahs-uh-nuh) (अर्ध चंद्रासन)Which meansArdha = Half / Chandra = Moon / Asana = PoseSort Intermediate, standing steadiness, stretchingDegreeIntermediateAnatomyAnkles, knees, thighs, hamstrings,...

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): Learn how to Do, Advantages and Variations

Sanskrit PronunciationSetu Bandhasana (SAY-too BAHN-dhah-suh-nuh)That meansSetu = Bridge / Bandha = Lock / Asana = PosePose KindBackbend, supinePose StageNewbie to IntermediateAnatomyBackbone, chest, neck,...

Cooling Yoga Follow in Any Pose

This entry was posted on Jul 16,...

The right way to Do Tree Pose in Yoga (Vrksasana)

Tree pose is an iconic balancing posture in yoga. Identified in Sanskrit as vrksasana (additionally spelled vriksasana and vrikshasana), tree pose “is likely one...

Strengthen Your Adductors in Bridge Pose

This entry was posted on Might 29,...

Bridge Pose: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This entry was posted on Apr 1,...

Yoga Sandbag: Strengthen Your Bridge Pose

This entry was posted on Could 1,...

Pasasana | Noose Pose | Rope Pose

Pasasana (Noose  Pose or Rope Pose) Steps1)- Begin by standing on the entrance of your mat along with your ft hip-width aside. Regular...

Bhujapidasana | Shoulder-Press Pose, Arm-Pressure Pose-Nexoye

Bhujapidasana (Shoulder-Pressing Pose or Arm-Pressure Pose) Steps1)- Start by standing with your feet a bit wider than your hips in a squatting position....


Quest Strawberry Milkshake Protein Muffins

CHEAT ON MEDIOCRE MUFFINS WITH QUESTIFIED STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE PROTEIN MUFFINS. Are you aware the Muffin Man? Yeah, nicely, neglect him. He’s out. We’re...

5 Finest New Steadiness Strolling Sneakers for All Day of 2025

We independently overview every part we suggest. Once you purchase via our hyperlinks, we could earn a fee.In search of the very best...

Alistair prepared for Wonderful Loser match

It’s not lengthy now till our 2025 Wonderful Loser fixture, to be performed at Leyton Orient’s stadium and, heading down from Scotland, Alistair...